发布日期:2024-09-10 01:13 点击次数:69
TIANJIN, Aug. 17 (Xinhua) -- Li Haining was once on the brink of death from severe heart disease, but 1,174 days ago91porn com, he was given a new lease of life.
The 25-year-old patient from the city of Shijiazhuang, north China's Hebei Province, underwent surgery three years ago to implant an artificial heart in place of his failed organ. The surgery was a success, and his condition has now massively improved, allowing him to live a normal life with the aid of the medical device, which is powered by aerospace technology.
Called HeartCon, the artificial heart was jointly developed by Tianjin-based TEDA International Cardiovascular Hospital and the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, the country's leading rocket maker.
It functions as a pump delivering blood to the whole body, significantly alleviating the symptoms of heart failure. Engineers of the HeartCon project said the device works like a rocket's servomechanism, driven by a hydraulic pump.
In 2022, the device gained market approval and has now saved over 190 patients in advanced stages of heart failure, like Li.
These patients wear a small controller, similar in size to a mobile phone, on their waist. The machine records various data such as the speed, flow, power and heart rate of the blood pump. A thin wire connects to the battery which continuously assists in pumping blood to organs throughout the body.
Li used to suffer from cold sweats and struggle with breathing difficulties. He waited anxiously for a heart transplant, but there was a lack of donors.
"I was prepared for the worst," he said, recalling the days before his implant surgery in May 2021.
快播三级片There are at least 16 million people in China suffering from heart failure. However, the scarcity of donors and effective medications poses limitations on human organ transplants. Fortunately, the development of artificial hearts has emerged as a promising solution to extend the lives of these patients, said Liu Xiaocheng, head of the TEDA hospital.
The symptoms of Li's heart condition have now significantly improved. Since being discharged from the hospital, Li has gained 12 kg in weight, found a girlfriend, and is now able to support himself financially. Some patients have experienced even better recovery and successfully had their artificial hearts removed.
The domestically-made artificial heart device is cheaper than imported products. According to its developers, the "HeartCon II", with a smaller and lighter passive magnetic suspension design, is currently being tested.
"We will continue the collaboration between medicine and engineering to save more lives91porn com," Liu said.■
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